Bioesthetic Dentistry for the Real Issue
If you have regular dental appointments but still have problems with your TMJ or bite you might want to consider a new dentist. Bioesthetic dentistry gets to the root of the problem, not just treat the symptoms.
Your dentist in Burlington is always on the cutting edge of dentistry using bioesthetic dentistry to treat the whole person, not just the teeth and gums.
Bioesthetic Dentistry for your Whole Body
Bioesthetic dentistry takes everything into account when it comes to examining teeth and gums, in fact, bioesthetic dentistry looks at the chewing system before coming to a conclusion about your bite and your temporomandibular joints. If something isn’t right your teeth and gums will pay the price, but it’s much more than that.
If your chewing system is out of whack it will affect your teeth as you may clench and grind. Chronic teeth grinding wears down teeth and will cause additional issues with your temporomandibular joint.
Why Bioesthetic Dentistry Works
When you work with Dr. Mike Morris, a bioesthetic dentist in Burlington you will understand what is going on with your mouth.
A bioesthetic dentist looks for the cause of the problem treating the real issue instead of the symptoms.
Most people have no idea how the whole body is affected by teeth and gums. If your jaw is out of alignment it can cause chronic headaches and backaches. If your TMJ is out of alignment, you could be dealing with TMJD.
What is TMJD?
Temporomandibular joint disorder affects the joints that connect your upper and lower jaw together. If you have had a blow to the head or another type of accident you could have a problem with your TMJ. However, teeth can also cause problems for your TMJ.
For example, if you have lost a tooth, another tooth will move into the position to make up for the loss. This could cause problems for your TMJ and other parts of your chewing system as well. Bioesthetic dentistry examines the TMJ to identify any problems that could be affecting your teeth and gums.
Bioesthetic Dentistry in Burlington
If Dr. Morris has discovered a problem with your chewing system he may recommend MAGO Therapy. Maxillary Anterior Guided Orthotic devices are similar to oral appliances as they help your bite correct itself.
The plastic orthotic device is made especially for you custom designed so that your jaw is allowed to function properly.
The device protects your teeth while relaxing your neck and face muscles. This noninvasive treatment is worn 7 days a week, 24 hours every day.
Depending on your particular situation you may have to wear your MAGO appliance for up to three months or longer.
A Dentist for Whole Health
If you aren’t getting to the root of your problem, call or send a text and schedule and appointment with Chittenden Dental today.