

Brushing, flossing, and regular checkups are standard, but what if there’s a way to achieve optimal oral health that goes beyond the basics? Enter bioesthetic dentistry. a time tested and elite field that could be the perfect fit for your loved ones Remember, taking care of your family’s smiles isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about […]

Do you ever clench your jaw in frustration or wake up with tight facial muscles? These could be signs of TMJ dysfunction, a condition affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that connects your jaw to your skull. If you’re in Burlington and seeking relief, consider bioesthetic dentistry at Chittenden Dental. TMJ Dysfunction: More Than Just Jaw […]

Temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ) can progress to become debilitating if left untreated. Chittenden Dental, your Burlington bioesthetic dentist’s office, explains that ignoring this discomfort may seem like a convenient option, but it could lead to severe consequences for your oral health and overall well-being. In this article Dr. Mike Morris explores what happens when you […]

The unsettling popping or clicking sound that accompanies jaw movement for some individuals could indicate underlying issues. Issues related to temporomandibular joint TMJ dysfunction. Dr. Mike Morris, a renowned bioesthetic dentist at Chittenden Dental in Burlington, specializes in addressing TMJ dysfuntion. This dental office offers comprehensive solutions to alleviate discomfort and restore optimal jaw function. […]

Do you find yourself asking, “Why does my jaw hurt?” If you are, you’re not alone. Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD) is a common issue affecting many individuals. The discomfort associated with TMJ dysfunction can range from mild to severe, impacting one’s daily life from speaking to chewing or even sleeping. TMJ Dysfunction and Bioesthetic Dentistry Chittenden […]

In the realm of TMJ dentistry in Burlington, one name stands out prominently. Dr. Mike Morris, a renowned bioesthetic dentist from Chittenden Dental. This Burlington dentist’s expertise in bioesthetic dentistry has revolutionized the way we approach oral health. This is especially important in the context of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) care. Understanding TMJ and Its Impact […]

Your bite and temporomandibular joints (TMJ) play a pivotal role in maintaining optimal health. The intricate relationship between these components influences the condition of your teeth, gums and the stability of your head and neck. This makes it imperative to understand the significance. Bioesthetic Dentistry in Burlington Bioesthetic dentistry is a comprehensive approach that views […]


Our purpose is to listen to our patients, so together, we can achieve ideal outcomes. We will provide care in a comfortable environment, which supports lifelong friendships.

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258 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT 05401
