Brush Up on Dental Hygiene in Burlington
If you haven’t had a dental hygiene brush up lately, call and schedule an appointment with your Burlington dentist.
Dr. Mike Morris is an aesthetic dentist who understands the whole structure of the mouth, including the chewing system.
The Chewing System Means Business
An aesthetic dentist in Burlington takes everything into account when it comes to dental hygiene. That means your teeth, gums, oral cavity and old restorations.
When diagnosis and treatment is based on the chewing system along with other factors, you’ll have a better chance of controlling any type of problems including chronic tooth decay and gum disease.
The Chewing System and Dental Hygiene
Your chewing system literally controls everything in your mouth. From the first sip of coffee in the morning to that mouthful of breakfast when you wake up, your chewing system is what makes the difference between being comfortable and uncomfortable.
When your chewing system is in alignment with everything else you won’t have discomfort. Chances are you won’t have issues with the clenching and grinding that you’ve been dealing with either.
Your chewing system also controls your temporomandibular joints. These two joints are actually hinges.
The hinges connect your lower jaw to your upper jaw. If your chewing system isn’t working, or your joints are out of alignment for whatever reason, you will suffer the consequences. The bottom line? An aesthetic dentist gets to the root of the issue, including any oral hygiene issues.
Aesthetic Dentistry in Burlington
The best way to determine if you have an issue with your chewing system or oral hygiene is to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Burlington.
Dr. Mike Morris will check everything out to determine a blueprint for treatment. Checking everything out includes your old restorations for dental hygiene.
Old Restorations Make a Difference
While you may not think so, old dental restorations, for example, dental fillings, dental crowns and dental bridges will change the way your teeth come together.
If restorations aren’t what they used to be, they can affect your bite and your TMJ as well. If that happens you won’t sleep well and you won’t feel great when you are awake either.
Whether you have old silver amalgam fillings or resin fillings that have seen better days, if they aren’t in good condition they will affect your chewing system, other teeth and your gums.
Dental Hygiene Counts
If you would like to brush up on your dental hygiene, or schedule an appointment with your dentist in Burlington, call or send a direct message to Chittenden Dental today.