Cosmetic Dentistry for Self Esteem and More

Your smile says everything about you. Your smile tells the world how you feel and how you see yourself. Sadly, if your smile is, well, sad, everyone else, including complete strangers, will know it too and that is where cosmetic dentistry comes in.

Unfortunately how you project yourself tells people things about you that may not necessarily be true.

For example, you may be an extremely upbeat person, but you just don’t like to smile because you have crooked teeth. If that is the case, talking to a cosmetic dentist could do wonders for your self-esteem. It may also change the way others see you.

A Smile Changes Everything

Sadly, people judge a book by its cover. People with missing teeth are often seen as less than while people with permanently stained teeth may be viewed as lazy with oral hygiene.

What some may not know is that the person with the missing tooth is waiting for a dental implant or the person with a permanently stained smile got that way because of too much tetracycline. Whatever the reason, a smile sets the tone.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Burlington

If you have a smile that you never show your family and friends, much less the world, schedule an appointment with Chittenden Dental.

The team will evaluate your teeth and gums before coming up with a plan for your new smile. That new plan could be as simple as professional tooth whitening or something less conventional such as dental implants.

You can be assured the Dr. Mike Morris will evaluate everything, including your chewing structure to determine what types of dental treatments would be best for you.

Some of the procedures your dentist might recommend include:

  • Dental Implants
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Inlays and Onlays
  • Tooth Colored Fillings
  • Dental Bridges
  • Orthodontics
  • Clear Removable Braces
  • Cosmetic Dental Bonding
  • Enamel Shaping
  • Dental Crowns
  • Gummy Smile Repair
  • Oral Appliance Therapy
  • MAGO Therapy
  • Dental Sleep Medicine
  • Full Mouth Reconstruction

Cosmetic Dentistry a Real Mood Booster

When you have a beautiful smile you can’t help but show it to the world. Healthy teeth and gums are one of the first things people notice when they meet you. This is so important, especially on a first date or job interview.

Regardless of your smile, you must have the confidence to show it off. Showing off a smile that is cracked in broken is difficult.

If you would like to learn more about cosmetic dentistry in Burlington, call or send a direct message and talk to Chittenden Dental today.




Our purpose is to listen to our patients, so together, we can achieve ideal outcomes. We will provide care in a comfortable environment, which supports lifelong friendships.

Find us

258 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT 05401
