Understanding Jaw Pain TMJ Dysfunction Explained
As a TMJ dentist, I understand how concerning it can be when you hear popping or clicking in your jaw. These symptoms could indicate a condition known as temporomandibular dysfunction, or TMD. It’s a common issue that can affect your daily life, from eating comfortably to getting a good night’s sleep. At Chittenden Dental in […]
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore TMJ Pain: Consult a TMJ Specialist Near Me Today
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can significantly disrupt your daily life, causing discomfort and hindering basic functions such as chewing, speaking, and even sleeping. Despite this, many individuals delay seeking treatment, underestimating the potential severity of the condition. At Chittenden Dental in Burlington, Vermont, our experienced team emphasizes the importance of early intervention for TMJ disorders. […]