Invisalign® Burlington for Straight Teeth
If you have always wanted straighter teeth but didn’t want to deal with wires and brackets call and schedule an Invisalign® appointment with Chittenden Dental.
As a licensed provider Dr. Mike Morris understands the chewing system and will be able to tell if you and removable aligners for straightening teeth are a good idea. In addition he will know it clear removable braces are good for you.
Burlington Invisalign® dentist
Invisalign® is the oldest and best system for straightening teeth. While it isn’t the greatest fit for everyone, people with mild to moderate tipped and tilted teeth see amazing results with this teeth straightening system in Burlington. Moreover the results are spectacular. So spectacular that you will be glad that you avoided online braces.
What is it?
Invisalign® is a remarkable tooth straightening system that uses clear plastic aligners to gradually straighten teeth. Moreover, the system is customized because obviously everyone is different.
Patients who are good candidates receive eleven to 31 sets of aligners dependent on your Invisalign® prescription.
You will swap out your Invisalign® clear aligners every 7 to 14 days. Again, everyone is different. Dr. Morris will determine your swap outs based on your customized prescription.
How Removable Braces Work
Every aligner is made according to the trademarked software. That means every time you swap out a set, your teeth have gradually moved to the desired position.
Because you only visit your clear braces dentist in Burlington every six weeks it is vital that you stay dedicated to the program. If you don’t, your treatment will not go according to plan. This means wearing your aligners for 22 hours every day as prescribed by your bioesthetic dentist in Burlington.
The only time that you remove your clear plastic braces is when you eat, drink, floss and brush. That is it. If you take them out for a special event you will pay the price. Dedication truly is the key when it comes to the removable braces.
Invisalign® is the Best
If you are curious about those non-prescription clear braces you see on your social media pages don’t be. If you follow this dental blog you will know the dangers of online and mail order braces. Furthermore, the damage could be permanent.
The dangers are serious. Because you aren’t being monitored you are risking damage which could also be permanent to your teeth and gums.
Prescription removable braces from Invisalign® are clear and comfortable. Furthermore, no one will know you are having treatment except you and Chittenden Dental.
Invisalign® in Burlington
If you would like to find out if you are a good candidate for Invisalign® call or send a direct message and schedule an appointment with Chittenden Dental in Burlington today.