Sedation Dentistry when You Fear the Dentist
If your least favorite thing in the world is a dental checkup in Burlington, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Chittenden Dental. Ignoring even the tiniest toothache could have dramatic ramifications if you choose to ignore it.
People all over the world suffer from mild dental fear to chronic dental phobia. Thankfully, sedation dentistry helps rid your dental anxiety and dental fear once and for all.
What is Sedation Dentistry?
According to Chittenden Dental sedation dentistry helps patients with dental fear relax. From pills that you take the night before or the day of the procedure to nitrous oxide, sedation dentistry really does work.
Why Are People Afraid of the Dentist?
Dr. Mike Morris, your sedation dentist in Burlington explains that people can have dental fears for a variety of reasons. From a bad dental experience as a child to horror stories from family and friends, dental fear is real.
For people who feel like they are losing control dental visits are a real issue. Lying in a dentist’s chair can be a serious problem. If you have this issue, ask your sedation dentist in Burlington to adjust your dental chair for more comfort and support.
Weird looking dental instruments, less than appealing smells, and harsh and loud signs bring about sensory onslaught. While some may not be bothered by the sounds, smells and sights in the dental office, some cringe in fear.
Patients may also suffer from breathing issues and claustrophobia during dental appointments causing dental fear.
Why You Need Sedation Dentistry
Skipping checkups out of dental fear will only make things worse. What could have been a simple dental filling could turn into root canal therapy or worse yet an extraction. If you are one of those people who wait until the last minute because of dental fear, sedation dentistry is for you.
If you would like more information regarding sedation dentistry, call and talk to a team member from Chittenden Dental today.