Smile Again with Cosmetic Dentistry
If your smile hasn’t been doing you any favors lately, maybe you should consider cosmetic dentistry. It truly is amazing and can change your entire life. A thorough examination of your teeth, gums and your chewing system will determine what types of restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatments would be best for you and your smile. […]
Bioesthetics for Cosmetic Dentistry
If you have been on the fence about cosmetic dentistry call or send a text and schedule an appointment with a bioesthetic dentist in Burlington. Chittenden Dental will look at your teeth and gums, but that’s not all. Your Burlington cosmetic dentist will also check out your chewing system to determine the best plan moving […]
Cosmetic Dentistry and Informed Decisions
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Cosmetic dentistry really is amazing and can take an otherwise crooked smile and make it beautiful again. From cracked and chipped molars to discolored eye teeth you will have the tools you need to make a wise and informed decision. When you schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist in Burlington you will have […]