
Bioesthetic Dentistry and Your Chewing System

Your Burlington bioesthetic dentistry practice offers the best restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures available, but that’s not all.

Because Dr. Mike Morris from Chittenden Dentistry understands that everything is connected he offers bioesthetic dentistry to patients and potential ones.

This is extremely important if you are planning an extensive cosmetic dentistry procedure. Procedures such as dental implants and other types of dental treatments in Burlington need a plan.

Your Chewing System

If you follow this blog you will recall that everything is connected when it comes to your teeth and gums.

In fact, if you have constant neck aches or jaw aches it could have something to do with the way your teeth fit together. It could also have something to do with your bite.

Dr. Morris is trained and experienced to identify any problems that you might be having in addition to gum disease and cavities.

Some dentists in Burlington only fix the chip or crack never looking at what could be behind it. This could be disastrous in the near future.

For example, if you have a severe under or overbite your teeth could be in constant contact when they shouldn’t be.

If this is the case porcelain veneers or dental crowns will not last as long as they should because of that constant contact.

Your Jaw Joints

Your jaw joints are part of your chewing system and something that Chittenden Dental takes very seriously because those two joints do affect your teeth and gums.

If your jaw joints aren’t working like they should you may hear popping and clicking when you open and close your mouth.

You may also have pain when you chew or suffer from chronic headaches. All of these problems could be linked to your temporomandibular joints. Those joints are what connect your lower to upper jaw.

For some TMJD starts because of a bad bite while for others it is something new caused by a blow to the head.

Whatever the reason, your bioesthetic dentist will get to the root of the issue before proceeding with any cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Your Chewing System Matters

Your Burlington bioesthetic dentist explains that your chewing system is vital when it comes to healthy teeth and gums. Nothing wears teeth worse than a cross bite or TMJD.

When everything is working together your teeth and gums are in harmony. When in harmony you are ready. Ready for any restorative or cosmetic changes that you and your dentist decide on.

Bioesthetic Dentistry in Burlington

If you would like to learn more about bioesthetic dentistry and your chewing system send a direct message. The team is ready. Call and schedule an appointment with Chittenden Dental today.






Our purpose is to listen to our patients, so together, we can achieve ideal outcomes. We will provide care in a comfortable environment, which supports lifelong friendships.

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258 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT 05401
